Thursday, May 12, 2005


This post was designed to give people a better idea of what your getting into by opening ROM.
5-6 Years ago in 1999, during one of my routine online checks, I stumbled upon a hole in the void.. I was only 15 years old, so my curiosity forced me to look & see what was on the other side of this void..It was no larger than a pixle, but as I watched it dance in front of me I felt a figure walk past me, followed by another on the opposite side. (Nobody really walked past me, but how could I tell? I couldn't see anything).
I typed attack, stab, use sword, hold sword out & fall, haha.. Then I typed the lustrous command "Steal". So I used that command on the first thing I saw.
Death! Hassan killed me..
Yay! So, I tried it again & if it was possible to be a lower level than 1, I was there within my first few minutes of playing.. So, I kept trying to steal from anything I saw until...
Someone gossips: 'Neimad, type gossip so everybody can see what you say.'
Neimad gossips: 'stea hass'
...hahaha, anyways, without a doubt I found it hard to fit in, but I was addicted!
A few weeks & I knew commands like 'kill' and 'get all corpse'. And (without recollection) I gained a few more levels.
Alas, all good things must come to an end.
I went by the Alias 'Skarby' for a long time, slowly learning the ways of an elf thief, I also went by other names, but nary a character proceeded to level 30 besides this Skarby character!
Skarby gossips 'LeveL'
Someone grats 'SkarbyDarbyDOOOOO'
That's when things started getting funky! Sure, I was addicted, they didn't have to encourage it..
I was level 38 & started going backwards.. lvl 37..36..35..
Alas, all good things must come to an end... I stopped playing rivers all together! I introduced lots of local people to the game, friends of mine, but I guess times were changing, I was a teenager for crying out loud, haha.. The Skarby Character could pick locks & cast invis, that's about it..
Needless to say, I've gotten back into it & this time worse than ever! But is that a bad thing?
I recreated the fumbling Neimad character into (Neimad/Elf/Mystic) & I have ideas for the future evolution of ROM.
So be it, I don't wear a pocket protector & I don't have a pass reserved for the luxury suite on the Starship Enterprise, but I have a level22 (2d10+3) dagger, so haha..
Anyways, what im getting at is ROM may have kept me sane for the past 5 years!
All the creepy people I met on there & all the creepier ones I didn't meet all play some role in the feeling of "Rivers of Mud"


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