Monday, April 03, 2006

R.I.P. R.O.M. 1990-2006

"Hey.. The one place I would call home.. Has disappeared..I will rest now in hope that some day somebody retrieves my frail body and ressurects me to be.. To be the warrior I once was.. In a world taken from me.."
"As beautiful and comforting as my words are, nothing will amount to the kindness I've recieved from my kin and folks I've never met. I was dragged in, torn and fragile, I walk away tall and proud, for one day, I will rejoin with my comrads and foes alike, Rejoyce we will on times of hardship, and my loves, friendship."
I am the elf Neimad, and let me play a comforting tune with my six stringed instrument. I will play a song that begins with hello, and ends with goodbye."
"Long days and pleasent nights to you.. Do not follow your hopes and desires, for I know virgin warriors in this war, who would more than gladly die for the same cause as I."
"I would rather poison their rations than see them go out and die like this, but alas.. My lovely world, all good things MUST come to an end.. I will not retire my sword until my body decides its time, and time my body decides my sword until its positioned into your wounds, and tearing through the other side.."
"I'd like to conclude by saying time has not been wasted, but spent, all knowledge is power, and nothing you say.. Nothing that happens and nothing we cant see.. Nothing will come and nothing will go, until alas my most wonderous friends, we travel again and drink in the same halls are our fore fathers. I bid you a most wonderous farewell.."
"I would reach out my hand, if I hadn't have died first."


Blogger Glen said...

Zanden Bows to Neimad and vanishes into the void.......

9:15 AM  

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