Saturday, May 28, 2005

Captain's Log..

Between the end of the world and the beginning of anew lies the soul of many a vanquished warrior. When money has no meaning, we will trade lives. At this hour on this day I have opened my eyes and everything I have over-looked seems to come to me much, much clearer. Some things that I have even ignored & mocked seem to have some meaning. For the living, dead & immortal alike, the world has just begun. Many years have been spent wondering the exact meaning of life & its related components, and alas, I have found the answer.
The prophecies have come true, only the strong will survive, only the dead are alive. I predict that in the next 5-10 years, ye who play rivers will be rewarded in items more valuable than gold and life. Something more rewarding than death itself, but until then, all you have is the will to continue your adventures in Thera, the will to survive & continue..
Alas, good things never come to an end..

Monday, May 16, 2005

Neimad Elf Mystic

So what if I rob dragons or slay innocent, that's just my daily routine.. My eyes are set on a larger prize now. I seek immortalization! The ability to cut paths through new woods, open gates to new cities & construct a new field of equipment, mobs & items..
Things will never change, but there will be used, many new and unproven words, many intergrams and formulae rare and difficult to blend.
Some things I have in mind would shock the observer, for he is the one who turns & walks a different path. Not knowing to he, that down that path is a hungry dragon.
Turn ye not brave crusader, but slay the acid breathing lizard. When he repops, kill him again!

Thursday, May 12, 2005



This post was designed to give people a better idea of what your getting into by opening ROM.
5-6 Years ago in 1999, during one of my routine online checks, I stumbled upon a hole in the void.. I was only 15 years old, so my curiosity forced me to look & see what was on the other side of this void..It was no larger than a pixle, but as I watched it dance in front of me I felt a figure walk past me, followed by another on the opposite side. (Nobody really walked past me, but how could I tell? I couldn't see anything).
I typed attack, stab, use sword, hold sword out & fall, haha.. Then I typed the lustrous command "Steal". So I used that command on the first thing I saw.
Death! Hassan killed me..
Yay! So, I tried it again & if it was possible to be a lower level than 1, I was there within my first few minutes of playing.. So, I kept trying to steal from anything I saw until...
Someone gossips: 'Neimad, type gossip so everybody can see what you say.'
Neimad gossips: 'stea hass'
...hahaha, anyways, without a doubt I found it hard to fit in, but I was addicted!
A few weeks & I knew commands like 'kill' and 'get all corpse'. And (without recollection) I gained a few more levels.
Alas, all good things must come to an end.
I went by the Alias 'Skarby' for a long time, slowly learning the ways of an elf thief, I also went by other names, but nary a character proceeded to level 30 besides this Skarby character!
Skarby gossips 'LeveL'
Someone grats 'SkarbyDarbyDOOOOO'
That's when things started getting funky! Sure, I was addicted, they didn't have to encourage it..
I was level 38 & started going backwards.. lvl 37..36..35..
Alas, all good things must come to an end... I stopped playing rivers all together! I introduced lots of local people to the game, friends of mine, but I guess times were changing, I was a teenager for crying out loud, haha.. The Skarby Character could pick locks & cast invis, that's about it..
Needless to say, I've gotten back into it & this time worse than ever! But is that a bad thing?
I recreated the fumbling Neimad character into (Neimad/Elf/Mystic) & I have ideas for the future evolution of ROM.
So be it, I don't wear a pocket protector & I don't have a pass reserved for the luxury suite on the Starship Enterprise, but I have a level22 (2d10+3) dagger, so haha..
Anyways, what im getting at is ROM may have kept me sane for the past 5 years!
All the creepy people I met on there & all the creepier ones I didn't meet all play some role in the feeling of "Rivers of Mud"